I love Mia and Sebastian! It’s a bit advanced and can take some time (like a year or so...). Here are the video lessons I did on Mia and Sebastian for the fast bits when I first taught it a couple of years ago.
Here is the sheetmusic on Musescore. It's in the key of A, so you get three sharps: F#, C# and G#. I am relying on you doing the reading for the first part. Map it out slowly and be mindful of your "landscape" and fingering!
Here is a video with the first tricky bits.
Here is a video for Bar 36.
Here is a video for Bar 38.
Here is a video for Bar 51.
Here it goes from the beginning.
Here is another video from Bar 36.
Here is a video for the first two pages.
Here is a video for the last page.
Played by Aaron.
And City Of Stars, just for your records, with the musescore sheet music link.
Please let me know how you go!